Those whose arguments are empty of fact are usually full of shit. --David Porter
Get it out there. Call, write, talk, inform.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Now THAT'S Scary!!!

Life is like a box of chocolates and Crazy is as Crazy does.

Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) Warns Against 'Demonic' Halloween Candy

Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network posted a blog by Kimberly Daniels recently that warns Christians to forgo celebrating Halloween because of its evilness. Daniels specifically calls out candy as a source of soul-molestation:

"During this period demons are assigned against those who participate in the rituals and festivities. These demons are automatically drawn to the fetishes that open doors for them to come into the lives of human beings. For example, most of the candy sold during this season has been dedicated and prayed over by witches."

Obviously, we shouldn't be buying Halloween candy, but what about getting it by trick-or-treating?

"Curses are sent through the tricks and treats of the innocent whether they get it by going door to door or by purchasing it from the local grocery store. The demons cannot tell the difference."

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Americans DO Want the Public Option!!

Recent (October 2009) CBS News Polls have shown that a majority of Americans consistently support the Public Option.

Although support has dropped from 72 approval in June, in the post town hall and death panel bullshit 62 percent still want the Public Option, while just half as many, 31 percent, oppose the Public Option.

Other recent polls by other organizations also prove that MOST Americans favor the Public Option.

An ABC News/Washington Post poll released in late October found 57 percent supported the government creating "a new health insurance plan to compete with private health insurance plans."

So every day, when Boehner or some other lying Republican gets in front of a TV camera and says that "Americans oppose the Public Option", those Republicans are doing what they do best, lie. Flat out lies.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Federal Funding of Abortion

The latest Republican attack against health care reform is that it might allow federal funds to be allowed to fund abortions.

Abortion is legal in this country, so there is NO reason to whine that federal funds cannot be used to fund abortion. Abortion is legal, so people who are anti-abortion are out of luck about how it is funded.

How about federal funding of the war in Iraq or Afghanistan? The latest poll shows only 39 percent of Americans favor the war in Afghanistan, while the majority of American, 58 percent, oppose to the war. So, with 58 percent opposed to the war I believe there is a very, very good argument that the American people DO NOT want federal money to fund our wars.

Abortion is a legal activity, so who cares about federal funding for something LEGAL!

Think about it.

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Dude, Just Get a Room!

This isn't that big of a deal but for the fact he decided to do it in a cemetary (well, he is 66, maybe he was thinking ahead) and on his lunch break.

Posted on Wed, Oct. 28, 2009
Police: SC state attorney caught with stripper
By MEG KINNARD Associated Press Writer

A republican deputy assistant attorney general who said he was on his lunch break when an officer found him with a stripper and sex toys in his sport utility vehicle has been fired, his boss said Wednesday.

Roland Corning, 66, a former republican state legislator, was in a secluded part of a downtown cemetery when an officer spotted him Monday, according to a police report obtained by The Associated Press under the Freedom of Information Act.

As the officer approached, Corning sped off, then pulled over a few blocks away. He and the 18-year-old woman with him, an employee of the Platinum Plus Gentleman's Club, gave conflicting stories about what they were doing in the cemetery, Officer Michael Wines wrote in his report, though he did not elaborate.

Corning gave Wines a badge showing he worked for the state Attorney General's Office. Wines, whose wife also works there, called her to make sure Corning was telling the truth.

He then searched the SUV, where he found a Viagra pill and several sex toys, items Corning said he always kept with him, "just in case," according to the report.

Corning and the woman were let go without charges. Wines' wife reported the call to her supervisor, who told Attorney General Henry McMaster.

"We received credible information about inappropriate behavior Monday afternoon," McMaster said Wednesday. "And by the close of business, he was no longer working here."

Such a trip to the cemetery "would not be appropriate, at any time, for an assistant attorney general," McMaster said.

There was no answer Wednesday at a number listed for Corning, who was a Republican legislator in the late 1980s and early 1990s. He was hired in 2000 by the attorney general's office, where he worked on securities cases.

South Carolina has had its share of scandal lately, most notably Gov. Mark Sanford's disappearance in June. His office told reporters he was hiking the Appalachian Trail, but he was really in Argentina visiting his mistress.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Rush Limbaugh Stands Behind fake Obama Quote

In another blow to journalism (and a well informed public's ability to make informed decisions) Rush Limbaugh ran with a hoax story that Obama's college thesis called for redistribution of America's wealth. Limbaugh cited an excerpt from the fake Obama thesis that stated,

"The Constitution allows for many things, but what it does not allow is the most revealing. The so-called Founders did not allow for economic freedom. While political freedom is supposedly a cornerstone of the document, the distribution of wealth is not even mentioned."

But even worse than being stupid enough to run a fake story as truth, Limbaugh was informed by his producer that the story was a spoof.

Did Limbaugh Man-Up and say OOOPS, that was a fake story? No Limbaugh KEPT on going with the story and said,

It may have been fake but we know he thinks it. Good comedy, if it's comedy, must contain an element of truth. ... So we stand by the fabricated quote, because we know Obama thinks it anyway."

OK people, get out your thinking hats and start slandering Limbaugh with impunity because the bar is now set at So we stand by the fabricated quote, because we know Limbaugh thinks it anyway.

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Friday, October 23, 2009

Compassionate Conservatives (with cocks)

If you have a sister or a mother, and most of us do, please write a letter to these Compassionate Conservatives. I suggest that their daughters get lucrative contractor jobs with Halliburton or KBR and head on over to the Middle East for a bit.

GOP senators who voted against anti-rape law refuse to explain why
By Daniel Tencer Thursday, October 22nd, 2009 -- 9:40 pm

Not one of the 30 Republican senators who voted against Sen. Al Franken's anti-rape amendment agreed to explain their rationale when MSNBC came calling, news host Rachel Maddow told her audience Wednesday evening.

Jamie Leigh Jones, the woman whose alleged gang rape at the hands of co-workers at defense contractor KBR was the inspiration for the amendment, appeared on The Rachel Maddow Show Thursday night to laud its passing in the Senate earlier this month. The amendment prohibits the government from contracting with companies that refuse to allow employees to pursue rape allegations in court.

As Jones explained to Maddow, that was the case with KBR -- then a subsidiary of Halliburton -- when the company responded to Jones' allegations of rape by locking her in a shipping container and refusing to give her access to medical treatment or contact with the outside world.

"I cannot even understand the reasoning as to why anyone would vote against" the Franken amendment, Jones told Maddow. "I'm thrilled it's gotten as far as it has gotten."

But, according to a report at the Huffington Post, the amendment -- though considered to be wildly popular -- may have trouble getting any further. Reporter Sam Stein cites "multiple sources" who told him Sen. Daniel Inouye, Democrat of Hawaii, is considering watering down the amendment, or eliminating it altogether, when it goes to a vote on the Senate floor as part of a defense appropriations bill. Stein reports:

Inouye's office, sources say, has been lobbied by defense contractors adamant that the language of the Franken amendment would leave them overly exposed to lawsuits and at constant risk of having contracts dry up.
As Rachel Slajda reported at TalkingPointsMemo, despite the horrible optics of appearing to be in favor of rape, both the White House and the Pentagon are opposed to the amendment, at least in its current form.

The [Pentagon] argued that it and its subcontractors "may not be in a position to know about such things," i.e., whether contractors employ the mandatory arbitration clauses. "Enforcement would be problematic," the note read, because contractors may not be privy to what's in their subcontractors' contracts.

The department suggests that "it may be more effective" to seek a law that would prohibit the clauses in any business contracts within U.S. jurisdiction.
A White House spokesman told Slajda that President Obama supports "the intent of the amendment," and is working with legislators to rewrite the amendment so as "to make sure it is enforceable."

But even as the wheeling and dealing over the Franken amendment continues inside the Beltway, on Main Street the GOP's opposition to it has been turned into a powerful talking point for Democrats and progressives. A Web site entitled Republicans For Rape has sprung up, satirizing the 30 senators' opposition to the amendment.

On her show Thursday night, Maddow listed the names of all 30 senators who voted against the amendment, and suggested she continues to hope they will eventually speak up about their vote.

"Senators, I want you to know, the invitation [to appear on the show] remains open," she said.

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