Validation that is Fair and Balanced is a fantastic source for ferreting out the truth in statements that politicians make. The right always attacks as a liberal, smear outlet.
This recent email from shows that they call bullshit on ANY politician, regardless of party.'s Friday Update
Have we missed something? If you have been targeted by a false or misleading political message that we haven't covered -- such as a dubious campaign mailing, a robocall or chain e-mail -- send it to us at
The FactCheck Wire posted these new items during the week ending July 23, 2010
(Follow the links to read complete posts)
Whitman: Brown Is Plan-Free
A new ad in the California governor's race misleads viewers just a bit.
Let's Get to Work -- On the Facts
The political committee backed by Florida gubernatorial candidate Rick Scott's wife falsely attacks Attorney General Bill McCollum, again.
Shirley Sherrod’s Contextual Nightmare
The USDA employee lost her job for words taken out of context.
Mud and Oil Don’t Mix in Wisconsin Senate Race
Democrat Feingold and Republican Johnson make misleading, dueling claims about drilling in the Great Lakes.
Obama Wrong on GOP, Small Business Criticism
The president falsely says Republicans repeatedly blocked small-business help.
A False Attack on a Palin-backed “Mama Grizzly”
In the GOP gubernatorial primary in Georgia, Oxendine's attack on Handel falls well short of the truth.
Anti-Reid Ad Distorts Truth on Stimulus, Unemployment
A Republican political committee falsely attacks the Nevada senator.